4C’s and Esports – Authentic Learning and Application

For the better part of the last two decades, we have been trying to find ways to incorporate the 4C’s of 21st-century learning into classrooms. Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity are all skills that we need to ensure that our students possess before they leave our buildings and go into their post-K12 lives. One…

New Teacher Tip #1 – Connect with Others

This spring I am getting the chance to teach a college course again for future teachers, this time all around educational technology for secondary education. While working over lessons and figuring out the main ideas I wanted to make sure were highlighted, there is one that I have always stated any time someone has asked…

Using AI to Improve the UDL of a Lesson

I have very high hopes for how well AI can make teaching and learning more effective in the next few years but there are ways that we can start using these new tools now to make learning better. Using an AI chat tool like ChatGPT or Bard, we can start to look at ways to…

Whiteboard in Canva

With the loss of Jamboard, there comes the loss of some simple ways that it was used in the classroom and now teachers have to find a new way to do what they did before. (This is also why I say to never marry technology, but to date it, it is always a shorter term…

Hiding Sections in Figjam

One really nice feature in Figjam is the ability to hide sections or items so their contents are not visible until you unhide them. This helps to direct the focus on the sections you need to be focusing on and can help remove any distraction or help to just control the flow of the work.…

Easily Convert Jamboard Files to Figjam

One of the biggest features I was waiting for as I make the full transition away from using Jamboards to Figjam, is the ability to easily convert a Jamboard file to a Figjam file. They have just recently released this feature and it is as easy as you would want. All you have to do…